Friday, October 27, 2006

Moreno Family update

So this last Tuesday (the 24th) Guillo had his 2 week check up. He was 18 days old, weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces with a height of 21 inches. He is in the 50 percentile for his height and 35 percentile for his weight. So he is growing:)

Tuesday night Francisco and I decided to go visit my parents and Wednesday we went to my mom's school to share Guillo with everyone.
GuilloÂ’s umbilical cord finally fell off and he had his first real bathÂ…so nice to wash those little buns:)

Then, Wednesday night we went on our first date night since Guillo has been born. The funny thing is we couldn't decide where we wanted to go and we weren't extremely motivated to go...but we ended up going to the mall to buy caramelel apple and then we went to the river and walked around. Then, to top the night off we went to K-mart to buy diapers:) We enjoyeeach otherer, but I ended up getting sick. So now I wear a mask while breastfeeding so Guillo won't get what I have. It's a funny sight:)

We are both resting (Guillo and I) while Francisco is working...praise the Lord! Work for Francisco is usually slow during this time, but the Lord has always been gracious to take care of us.

Here is a picture of Francisco having a little too much fun being a dad:) We went to run errands while it was raining....guess how many looks we got carrying this umbrella around??


Julian said...

I absolutely LOVE that first picture of Guillo!
I'm glad that you all (you and Fracisco) are remembering the importance of your relationship with each other- keep it up!
Love you- and Guillo :D

Meghan said...

Hey K-When you have time shoot me an email with your address. Please.
Love ya!

emily said...

LOVE IT!! That is so funny! That is awesome that you used that umbrella! That is great! Are you going to be around for Thanksgiving or that weekend? I'm coming home and would love to see you guys!!

Meghan said...

Hey Em- that's the only umbrella we have- thanks to my sister:) I'm not sure if we will be around here...maybe in Dubuque, but before we go maybe we can see you?? Let me know.