So, I had another doctor appointment today and we were discussing the mucous plug and just so everyone is informed (unlike I was) it means absolutely nothing. All the magazines, books, etc. say you will be in labor in a day or two....well I lost mine on Sunday and I am still sitting here swelling:) Anyway, the doc says books say that, but it's not accurate. Errr. That's just wrong.
For anyone who cares, I am 2cm dilated and 60% effaced and she stripped my membranes (OUCH!) and she's on call tomorrow and she told me she wants me to shoot for tomorrow. Please pray for us that is does happen tomorrow....I really want her to deliver my baby, she has been the one seeing me throughout the whole pregnancy so I feel she knows me best and what I want and she also just seems confident in what she does. It would just make the birth a little more comfortable knowing the doc.
I'll keep you all posted!