Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To feel or not to feel

To feel or not to feel, that is the question my dear friends. So we all know by now the baby kicks and I can feel it, but everytime Francisco puts his hand on my stomach to try and feel the kick the baby stops (Francisco claims the baby knows who it's daddy is and fear is instilled in the baby...we'll let him continue to think that:) So today was the day!! I got up with Francisco this morning before he left for work and we were sitting on the couch talking. The baby was kicking me so hard so I put Francisco's hand there and pushed down and sure enough Francisco felt it...not once, not twice, but three times! It was fun to be able to share that moment.
Just to give you an idea of how often the baby has been kicking me practically non-stop the whole time I have been writing this. I don't know, but I think the baby wants out:)

The photo above is of the baby's leg..I thought it was appropriate to post it, considering the topic.

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