Thursday, June 15, 2006

swollen feet and 10 pounds heavier

Okay since my husband doesn't seem shocked, maybe you women would appreciate the "oh no" feeling I felt when the nurse told me I had gained 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks, not the last 4 weeks, the last 3!!! That's about 3.3 pounds a week. That's a shocker. Let's just hope I don't continue on that path or I will have some major back aches. Although she did comfort me by telling me I was off to a really slow start with all my vomitting (which made me kind of appreciate the morning sickness in a strange kind of way). So I actually lost weight in the start of my pregnacy and overall I have only gained 14 pounds. Which according to the nurse, she says by the end of the pregnacy I should have gained about a pound a week and right now I am at 23 almost 24 weeks (so does that mean I can gain 10 more pounds this week and be right on track?:) So now I know why I can't bend over or breathe as easily as I used to. Plus, see those swollen feet? I think that is where 5 pounds might be. Great news: she siad they probably won't get any smaller:) I will make sure to post some more pictures of those swollen babies. By the way, those marks on my feet are from my sandals that used to be loose on I can barely squeeze my feet into them.

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