Saturday, June 09, 2007


So here is the first drywalling job that we have officially all done together!
This was SO stressful. My husband needed help, since his co-worker just decided to not work this job. He didn't have anyone he could call last minute and I decided to see if I could be superwoman and help. Mmmm...not so much. I did help, a lot actually, but our son had to come with and watch the whole day....since it was a last minute thing and I didn't think it would be fair to call someone and see if they could watch him the whole day with a 10 minute notice. Thankfully, no one else is working in the house while we are working, but if you are thinking I am a bad the thoughts....I already felt that! There were no such things as naps that day...maybe cat naps in the car as we went to get lunch and drive around. With all that said, I burned myself out trying to take care of our son and help Francisco hang drywall. I won't do that again. Not at the same time anyway.
**We got the house done in two days. I went and did the whole ceiling of the house with him and the next day Guillermo and I stayed home while he did the rest. I was glad it was all over.

Don't worry..we did not have him in the carseat all day....this was for a brief moment:)

Inspite of it all, he was happy. His smile makes me feel better. Love him.

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